The Welding Institute

Teesside and Northumbria Branches Webinar: ‘CoreFlow Presentation’

9 Oct 2020 2:06 PM | Anonymous

The Welding Institute’s Teesside and Northumbria Branches will be hosting a webinar for their Branch Members which will look at the sub-surface machining technique, ‘CoreFlowTM,’ on the 19 October, 2020.

The webinar will look at ‘CoreFlowTM,’ a highly disruptive, new sub-surface machining technique invented by TWI Ltd. The talk will explore this revolutionary new technology and its potential uses in heat exchangers, cooling systems and other systems.

João Gandra (MWeldI Interim CEng) The talk will be delivered by TWI Principal Project Leader in Friction and Forge Processes and Welding Institute Member, João Gandra (MWeldI Interim CEng). João’s experience within Friction Welding expands across both academic and industrial environments, with him also having published over 20 peer-reviewed publications and conference papers.

Click here to find out more and register for the event.


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