The Welding Institute

Geoff Booth Loyal Service Award

2 Jul 2020 3:36 PM | Anonymous

Dr Geoff Booth – Accreditation and Education Committee and Technical Groups.


The Loyal Service Award is given by The Welding Institute’s Professional Board, in recognition of the outstanding service to the Branches of The Welding Institute!

Role with The Welding Institute

Geoff Booth is a Fellow Member of The Welding Institute, joining in 1991. In 2013, he took on the role of Chair to The Welding Institute’s Structural Integrity (TG 6) Technical Group.

Geoff demonstrated his worthiness to receive this award by going above and beyond the requirements of his role, including arranging several joint meetings with the Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI) and creating a collaborative and inclusive culture for the group’s work. As Chair, Geoff has used his broad network of contacts to expand the collective knowledge and understanding of his field with the specific aim of targeting and developing younger Members.

Throughout his career at TWI, Geoff worked with a wide range of people, leading and developing a Group of 50 staff in the Structural Integrity Management Group. He also worked in the Lasers and Fatigue Group, and was responsible for setting up a business unit at the Edison Welding Institute in the USA. Whilst these were roles he performed as an employee of TWI, he brought much more to them and the Institute with his collaborative and consensus-building approach.

Through his experience and knowledge, Geoff was able to connect a broad range of speakers and participants to the Technical Group Meetings that he was responsible for. In addition to the organisation and running of these Technical Group Meetings, Geoff contributed a significant amount of time into reviewing and improving them, submitting comprehensive reports to the Director and the Professional Board.

His continuous support for The Welding Institute also extends beyond his role as a Technical Group Chair through his voluntary support of our accreditation activities, whilst also sitting on out Education Committee for many years. Geoff has also chaired accreditation visits with academic institutions, and volunteers as an academic review assessor for membership applications. His work also includes co-authoring the ‘Welding Engineer’s Guide to Fracture and Fatigue’ book, which still continues to be used by practitioners and experts within a range of fields and industry situations today.

The Welding Institute congratulates Geoff Booth on being a worthy recipient of The Loyal Service Award 2020!


The Welding Institute

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