The Welding Institute

Skillweld Competition 2020

11 Feb 2020 3:11 PM | Anonymous

The Skillweld Competition 2020 is now open for registrations! 

What is The Skillweld Competition? 

This Skillweld Competition has been created to assess the skills of trainee welders in three manual fusion processes. They will be required to complete and produce four weld tests. 

The aim of the Skillweld Competition is to promote the development of a skilled workforce that will be equipped to meet the needs of the UK welding industry. It is an excellent opportunity for students and trainee welders to learn new skills and gain hands-on experience of the practical application of these welding processes.

The main objectives of the Skillweld Competition are:

To help trainee welders develop their welding skills in a competitive and pressurised environment 

  • To encourage trainee welders to be inspired about their future careers in welding
  • To test trainee welders’ knowledge and skills against a set criteria
  • To encourage employers/training providers to reflect on their own apprenticeship schemes and training programmes 
Why should employers/training providers get involved?

Through allowing your employees/learners to compete in the Skillweld Competition, you are enhancing their experience and knowledge within welding and therefore also investing in the future of industry. 

Closing date for competition entries is 27th March, 2020.

To find out more about the Skillweld Competition, click here!

Click here to enter!


The Welding Institute

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL, UK

   +44 (0)1223 899000