The Welding Institute

The Welding Institute Loyal Service Award 2019

10 Feb 2020 5:01 PM | Anonymous

David George Dargie MWeldI has received a Loyal Service Award from The Welding Institute. David was nominated by the Highlands and Islands Branch for his continuous work towards the formation and development of the branch, which is one of the newest Welding Institute branches.

David Dargie joined The Welding Institute on the 10th of April 1990 and was made the Honorary Secretary of the new branch on the 8th September 2011 and has remained the Secretary for the following 7 years. 

David arranged a number of local meetings and events which subsequently, due to his hard work, led to the formation of the Highlands and Islands branch. 

Aside from being the Secretary of the Highlands and Islands branch, David also works as a full time self-employed fabrication inspector for major offshore installation contractors. His ongoing efforts and support have undoubtedly been a significant supporting factor in the continuous growth and success of the branch.

David Dargie (to the right of the image) is pictured celebrating his award with Highlands and Islands Branch Members in Inverness.


The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000