The Welding Institute

Case Study: Martin Boyd BEng EWE IWE CEng MWeldI

23 Mar 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous

Martin Boyd BEng EWE IWE CEng MWeldI studied Materials Engineering with a Diploma in Industrial Studies at Loughborough University and currently works at Rolls-Royce plc as a welding engineer.

His current job responsibilities include covering procedure qualifications, welder qualifications, supply chain support and new product introduction across a broad range of welding processes and materials. Martin joined The Welding Institute in July 2007 and shares with us his journey through engineering and his experience of being a volunteer with us!

Introduction to you and your career in engineering

Why did you choose a career in engineering?

I was interested in engineering from school and worked one summer, at 17, at a local precision engineering company. From then, my eyes were opened to the possibilities, and then I never looked back.

What is one of your biggest career highlights or achievements that you’re most proud of?

I worked for 4 years as the welding lead for one of the components on Rolls-Royce’s new UltraFan engine, which is due to be tested later this year. I saw it installed on the test bed a couple of weeks ago and was in awe of the overall assembly.

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career and how did you overcome this?

I think the biggest challenge in my career, which is also something that will always be there to a degree, is the people side of things. Engineering is based on numbers and technical data, but none of that matters if you cannot influence people to take action based on that. Over my career, I have come to understand this better and is now a priority in any project.

Early Professional Membership

Why did you initially join The Welding Institute?

I was working as a joining engineer in the joining development section at AWE. As a team, we were involved with TWI Ltd, so joining The Welding Institute felt like the right thing to do.

Tell us a bit about the process of becoming a Member of The Welding Institute.

I first joined as a Graduate Member (GradWeldI), as I was early in my career and this seemed the appropriate level. Several years passed and I was moved to Associate Membership (AWeldI) where I stayed for several more years. Eventually, with the encouragement of one of the membership officers, I finally applied for Member and Incorporated Engineer (MWeldI / IEng). About two years after that I applied for my Chartered Engineer (CEng) status, which was in 2020.

Professional Registration

Are you professionally registered?

Yes, I registered as IEng in 2016 and then CEng in 2020.

What was the process of Professional Registration like and why did you choose to become professionally registered?

Ever since I started working as a graduate, I was encouraged to aim for professional registration and that support in the early years set my resolve to achieve it. Although it took many more years than I expected to achieve my goal, this was largely down to me getting around to applying. Once I actually started the process, it was relatively straightforward and this is now what I tell others who are considering applying.

Current Membership

How has professional membership/registration helped you throughout your career?

I achieved IEng shortly before transferring roles, then CEng before transferring roles again. This, I feel, gave me a demonstrated advantage that my peers had assessed me and found me to meet that external standard. Furthermore, the mind-set that this process has imparted on me and the code of conduct that must be followed all help me to continually strive to be the best engineer that I can be.

What membership benefits do you use the most and find the most helpful and why?

The professional network that I have built up is invaluable through local branch events and larger scale events at Cambridge and at training courses. I also find the Welding and Joining Matters journal to be a great source of information and helps maintain my Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

About Volunteering

What current volunteer roles do you undertake?

  • Vice Chair for East Midlands Branch
  • Branch Management Representative for East Midlands Branch
  • Professional Review Interviewer (PRI)
  • Chair of Membership, Education and Registration Committee (MERC)
  • Mentor colleagues applying for membership

Why do you undertake these volunteer roles and what are the benefits of volunteering with The Welding Institute?

I really appreciated the resources available when I was early in my career, so it seemed like the right thing to do to take on these positions, to give back to the next generation coming through now. The various roles also give a good insight into how the Institute works and are excellent opportunities for networking.

What advice would you give to anyone considering, or even currently undertaking volunteer roles with The Welding Institute?

It can be very rewarding - but be careful how much you agree to do!

Future (Membership and Career)

What are your engineering aspirations?

My future goal is to gain Fellow status (FWeldI). I also aim to get on to the Professional Board, which is the committee that I currently report to as Chair of MERC.

Would you recommend Membership with The Welding Institute and why?

Yes. This is the best place to be if you are involved with welding, joining and allied technologies. The Branches and Technical Groups are very approachable, and the content of the talks are excellent. The Welding Institute staff are very friendly and helpful.

What advice would you give or what would you say to your younger self beginning your career in engineering?

Get on with it. I waited for many years before applying for Member and IEng, probably 10 years later than I needed to. This is personal professional development, you are the person who needs to motivate yourself - but there’s plenty of help out there if you ask.


The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000