The Welding Institute

Weld Cracking - Mechanisms and Mitigation

5 Apr 2022 8:26 AM | Anonymous


10 MAY 2022

Weld cracking is a serious issue that has the capability to lead to the catastrophic failure of welded structures, vessels, pipelines and other assets and continues to pose a very real and significant threat.

The knowledge of crack types and understanding of the mechanisms that enable cracking to arise are both essential to ensure the avoidance of cracking.

Another requirement is a knowledge of the factors that cause cracking. Materials susceptibility, joint design, welding process and procedure details, including consumable selection, pre-heat, heat input and post weld heat treatment etc., all play an important role. Capability and selection of non-destructive testing techniques is also of paramount importance, as are in-service conditions and inspection strategies.

This Materials online Technical Group event will delve into this crucial subject drawing on the knowledge and experience of TWI experts and speakers from industry.

Cracking types and mechanisms will be explored, including multiple exemplifying case studies. Mitigation methods and management strategies will also be explored.

It will be of particular interest to metallurgists, materials scientists and engineers, welding engineers, project engineers and managers in the power generation and process plant, oil and gas, structural and construction industries.



The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000