The Welding Institute

The Welding Institute and Welding and Cutting

20 Dec 2021 1:50 PM | Anonymous

The last issue of the jointly produced Welding and Cutting journal in its current format will be published this month. The Welding Institute will launch a dedicated publication in 2022, created for our Members by our Members.

We have enjoyed a superb relationship working to produce content alongside both DVS Media and the Institute Soudure over the past 20 years, and have made many great friendships with colleagues along the way.

In that time, we have delivered technical information, historical perspectives on The Welding Institute and information on membership itself, but it was always the content from and about our Members that helped to build the all-important sense of community.

Whether it was recognising the achievements of the engineering community through our annual awards or promoting the next generation of welders through our support for competitions like SkillWeld, we have always sought to showcase the amazing work of our Members around the world.

Of course, our Members have also made important contributions to Welding and Cutting, offering reports on Branch meetings and events that really helped to show the different ways in which our branches operate, while also sharing knowledge and networking.

These reports not only provided an update on Branch events, but would often also prove to be a good source of interesting information, whether that was related to lifeboats, railways and engines, aerospace innovations, subsea corrosion, material properties, or even breaking world speed records!

There have also been articles showing how our Members, and particularly the Younger Members' Committee, reach out to promote STEM topics to schoolchildren and students, helping to ensure there is continued interest in engineering and industry.

We have also paid tribute to many great Members who have sadly passed away over the years, people who have contributed a great deal to The Welding Institute and to engineering in general.

While understandably difficult, we always felt it important to recognise and remember the contributions of these Members, who gave so much back to the engineering community at large and their fellow Members in particular.

As we look back at the reams of fantastic content we are proud to have been a part of over the years with Welding and Cutting, some of you may be wondering what we will do next.

The Welding Institute will launch our own dedicated publication in 2022, created for our Members by our Members. Members have been working for several months on the design, content and production of the new publication. Watch out for more information and details on how you can contribute and access the new look journal.

Finally, it goes without saying that we would like to thank our friends at DVS Media and the Institute Soudure for the work they have put in to help deliver informative and interesting content to our Members and we wish them all the best going forward with Welding and Cutting.

- The Welding Institute Welding & Cutting Editorial Team


The Welding Institute

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   +44 (0)1223 899000