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Developments in Welding and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

  • 14 May 2025
  • 5:00 PM
  • Hybrid (East Coast College, Suffolk Road, Gt Yarmouth, NR31 OED


Eastern Counties Branch Technical Talk

This free event is organised by our Eastern Counties Branch for our members. Other members and non-members are very welcome to join us.

Overview:-  In this presentation, the Fraunhofer Institute's Scientific Team Leader for bonding technologies, Sascha Stribrick, will discuss two examples of joining technolgy that have been the subject of resent work at the Fraunhofer IPA.

Speaker:- Sascha Stribrick (Scientific Team Leader, Fraunhofer Institute) 

Speaker Biography:- Since 2020, Sascha Stribrick has worked in bonding technologies at the Fraunhofer Institute of manufacturing engineering and automation in Struttgart, Germany. After his studies in mechanical engineering at the University of Struttgart, he started his research into the friction stir welding of polymers and adhesively bonded cutting tools for different materials. He completed the advanced education to become a European Adhesive Engineer in 2023 to deepen his knowldege of bonding technologies. Since July 2024 he is the Scientific Team Leader for bonding technologies. 

Additional Information:

  • Registration details maybe shared with our volunteers to facilitate this event
  • Live event only

Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Attending this event supports your professional development.  You can claim 2 CPD points per hour for this event.  As a member of the Welding Institute you can record your CPD activity online from your membership portal. CPD Certificates are not provided for Branch events.

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